Launching a Lecture Series to Expand Earth Consciousness

Lecture Series to Expand Earth ConsciousnessI am launching the first event in my Luminous Spaces MASTER Series™ on Sunday, November 17th. My tagline “A Platform to Expand Earth Consciousness” tells the story of why I am doing this.

I have done a considerable amount of training (and continue to do so), sometimes traveling far, to learn from teachers that resonate deeply with me. Teachers that are connected to spirit, yet are grounded on the earth. Teachers that move me to find ways to help restore balance and harmony on this planet, in my own unique, creative way. Teachers that can help me move into the fullness of who I am.

Always a student, as well as a teacher myself, I longed to create an educational platform from which others in the region can benefit as well. My mission: bring these amazing and wonderful teachers to New York!

William Spear was at the top of my list. Why? Because he is author of Feng Shui Made Easy, one of the first English-language books on the topic in 1995. I greatly appreciate his perspective on feng shui and his down-to-earth explanations of the Lo Shu, or Bagua map, that we use in feng shui. Also, his depth of knowledge about the inner workings of feng shui and how all is connected. William is not only an international speaker, teacher and consultant but he has trained many practitioners in his Intuitive Feng Shui®. His inspirational teaching style is evident by his sold-out events. The Event Management Company Singapore that takes care of the logistics behind these events also deserve recognition as they do a pristine job. More importantly, several of my beloved feng shui teachers have advised me to train with him.

And I found that when I saw this vision coming together, this path, things started manifesting before my eyes. The universe was actually helping me to bring this to reality. Not more than a week or two passed when William sent me an email in response to a blog post that I had written about feng shui. We started a dialogue and made a date for this premiere event! And things have continued to manifest and grow, a real indication that I am on my path.

This one-day presentation is entitled “Changing the Ch’i in Your Life: The Inner Bagua of Feng Shui.” You can read more about it here.

I hope to meet you at this first event or future events.


Maureen Signature



Luminous Spaces MASTER Series
Through a variety of programs, I will bring together world-renowned presenters covering a broad spectrum of topics including feng shui, biophilic design, consciousness, sustainable living, ecopsychology, spirituality, and architectural and landscape design. Creating this forum to raise the earth’s consciousness one person at a time marks the realization of my vision to promote positive change that elevates both the individual and the community.


True Nature Quiz! 

Five Element personality quizDiscover Your True Nature Element and make simple shifts in your space to attract positive energy.

Wood - Fire - Earth - Metal - Water

Learn about the Five Elements with Maureen's book
Creating Luminous Spaces, available on Amazon!

Creating Luminous Spaces

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