I don't think anyone would disagree that "you are what you eat". The nutrients (or lack of) that you intake throughout your day nourish (or don't) your physical body. But I do believe that "you also are where you live"…Let me explain. I am currently reading my umpteenth book on vibrational medicine¹. This one […]
Search Results for: Feng shui
Have You Lost Your Focus?
While speaking with a friend of mine today, I was reminded of my passion. I am frequently inspired and grateful that I have the circle of friends that I have. In our discussions I'm often propelled by their questions and our dialogue to focus on what is truly important to me. As we speak […]
Strange Ch’i in (gasp!) Las Vegas!
While traveling to the World Market Center in Las Vegas for the Interior Design Society's National Conference last month I stumbled upon this building. It was twilight and I couldn't see the structure very well. I thought it was a derelict building that was falling down! Landscaping was scrubby and unkempt. As I passed this […]
Five Easy Tips to Improve Your Career
If you’re like many of my clients, you want to know what you can do to get ahead in your job or perhaps find a new career. And, I often work with clients who are at a point where they are figuring out what their purpose is…their life path. And even if you aren’t in those […]
New Color Trend for 2012
The official color trend for 2012 was released today: Tangerine Tango (Pantone 17-1463 for you designers out there)! I love, love, love it! It's such a vibrant color! I can't wait to go out to pick out a new piece of clothing in this new trendy color! I've had a love affair with orange […]
Question: What Type of House Provides Best Chi Flow?
Question: If chi gets stuck in corners would a circular house be better for good feng shui to allow chi to flow better? Also is there any model/type of house that has naturally better feng shui to start with? Colonial, High Ranch, Cape, Salt Box, etc. My Response: As always, it depends. It […]