Originally appeared in elephantjournal.com I have a guilty indulgence. On the nights that my husband goes to bed earlier than I do, I secretly click over to watch a tiny house show on my laptop. As one of the hosts of those shows says, “The tiny house movement is the next big thing!” I don’t […]
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Peace Out, Negative Energy. How You Can Organize Your Home For Well-Being.
Originally appeared in mindbodygreen. Image by Brian D’Cruz Hypno Plus During my workday, I sit inside at a computer to write, research, and connect with people. But I always need those daily breaks to walk outside, breathe the fresh air, feel the sunlight on my skin, and appreciate life. Sound like you, too? This attraction […]
Eight Feng Shui Tips to Improve the Energy at Your Front Door.
Originally appeared in elephantjournal.com Pulling up to my house after grocery shopping, I park the car and grab the grocery bags from the trunk. I struggle to my door and open it. I’m home. But I entered through the side door. So, what’s the problem? According to feng shui, I am limiting my potential. Let […]
Good Vibrations: 6 Beginner Tips to Boost Your Home’s Feng Shui
Featured at Realtor.com By Jamie Wiebe Feng shui might seem like outdated superstition to nonbelievers, but here’s the reality: Most of it is really nothing more than good design sense. Long before we were blessed with HGTV, homeowners still had some ancient guidelines for making their home attractive, functional, and joyful. And we can all get behind that, right? Getting […]
You ARE Where You Live (The Wisdom of Feng Shui)
The phrase “You are what you eat” has been around since 1826, believe it or not. The meaning is two-fold: (1) that the food we eat is a reflection of our state of mind and health; and (2) that to be fit and healthy we need to eat good food. The better health we have the better choices we tend […]
Achieving Happiness the Dane’s Way With “Hygge”
Today I made a wonderful Tuscan bean soup with warm bread for dinner tonight. It’s cold and rainy outside, dampening me to the bones. As I work on my laptop, I have on one of my favorite cozy sweaters that keep me warm even on the coldest days. And I am content. As we start […]