Feng shui enhances the overall feeling of well-being in your office as well as your home. In working with clients and workshop participants, it is interesting to see that few people get the connection between their work environment and their health. Over the last few decades, there have been many studies on the impact of […]
Search Results for: biophilic
Launching a Lecture Series to Expand Earth Consciousness
I am launching the first event in my Luminous Spaces MASTER Series™ on Sunday, November 17th. My tagline “A Platform to Expand Earth Consciousness” tells the story of why I am doing this. I have done a considerable amount of training (and continue to do so), sometimes traveling far, to learn from teachers that resonate deeply […]
Member Home
MEMBER HOME Welcome! Your purchased digital content links are below when you’re logged in. You may need to scroll down a bit. Username or Email Address Password Remember Me Ebooks, Audios and Videos Biophilic Design Course New Earth Energy Dowsing Essentials Course Liminal Spaces Inner Circle No Obligation! See how I can help you! Schedule […]
Feng Shui Training
The Luminous Spaces School Feng Shui | Earth Energy Healing | Biophilic Design | Spirituality Learn about my own unique philosophy of feng shui that I call Luminous Spaces Feng Shui. It’s based on my Re-Nature philosophy: our absolute need to connect to the natural world for joy, well-being, and well, sanity! It is a […]
Green Design Versus Restorative Design
So much attention has been given to green design in the last decade. And wonderful that it is, we might be missing the boat a bit. Green design promotes what is called "low environmental impact design." It's ever-evolving guidelines seek to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and the earth's resources, while also reducing waste […]
Gardening Defeats Stress & Depression
The data is surmounting. How can anyone deny that being in nature supports your mental health, your outlook on life and your spirituality? Part from our biophilic needs (to affiliate with nature and natural processes), these new studies show that there are biological reasons that show that our participation in the natural world helps […]