Question: We just moved into a house and I’d like to plant a vegetable garden. I’d like to place it in the Wealth corner (far back left) to boost our finances (plants represent the Wood element and support the Wealth area). However, the land is hilly and there is not much sun. My husband wants […]
Search Results for: elements
Gung Hay Fat Choy! (Happy New Year)
Today, February 19, 2015, is the Chinese Lunar New Year, the start of a fifteen-day festival in China, and many other Asian countries, as well as the Chinatown’s across the world. It is the Year of the Ram, or Sheep, or Goat – which are interchangeable in the Chinese Zodiac. According to the 5 Chinese […]
How to Create a Feng Shui Moss Garden
For all of you who are “plant-killers” (and, egads, there are quite a few of you!) I stumbled upon this wonderful idea to help bring life and greenery into your space: indoor moss gardens. What I love about these gardens is that they are easy to make, easy to care for and downright cheap! In […]
Re-Nature Feng Shui Philosophy
In 2015, I launched my feng shui certification program for online training. Since then, I have gathered a group of amazing spiritually-minded women and our group continues to grow! In 2018, I published a book, Creating Luminous Spaces: Use the Five Elements for Balance and Harmony in Your Home and in Your Life (Conari Press) […]
Feng Shui Certification Professional Training
The Luminous Spaces School Celebrates Our 10th Anniversary! Join Our Online Feng Shui Professional Certification with Ongoing Support as you Build Your Confidence! Become a Certified Feng Shui Consultant! The Luminous Spaces Feng Shui School is the most comprehensive feng shui training! Get your Feng Shui Certification and Have Lifetime Access to our Community! Prerequisite: […]
How to Feng Shui Children’s Rooms to Combat School Stress
Okay, September is nearly here! It can be the worst month in a home with children. In the process of transitioning into a new school year, parents as well as children can be overwhelmed. With a change in schedules, new schools, new teachers, new expectations, and new friends, this time of year can really test […]