“While we teach, we learn.” – Roman philosopher Seneca They say that teaching is the best way to learn. I’ve been teaching feng shui in workshops and certification training since 2006. And the questions my students have asked me have given me the impetus for discovery to study and learn deeper. In many feng shui […]
Search Results for: elements
The Best Place for Rooms According to Feng Shui
My home office used to be on the second story of my house. It was in a strange, small bedroom with slanted ceilings. There was no good place for the desk and the only window was in a narrow dormer. I always felt awkward in that room and was never inspired. When I learned about […]
How to Use Feng Shui Crystal Balls
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably heard that feng shui crystal balls are a very popular cure in feng shui. You are correct! Why are they so popular? These clear, multi-faceted crystal balls (also called “Swarovski” crystals) have an amazing ability to tap into the power of natural light. Ever see one hanging in a […]
Create Your Luminous Space 5-Week Course
“Up-shift” the energy of your home in 5 weeks! Turn your home into a massive power supply for positive energy! If you feel drained when you walk in your door, or a heavy feeling in your home, just think how you life can change. During this 5-week eCourse, you will make some simple shifts in your […]
Become an Energy Healer with Feng Shui
Unlike most energy healing modalities which center on an individual’s energy field, feng shui focuses on what the other’s miss: our environments. And not long ago we viewed our environments as a “back drop” to our lives with very little consequence. But we know better. Many people intuitively knew that the spaces we lived and worked […]
10 Feng Shui-Inspired Items for Your Office to Connect You to Nature
Our offices, be it inside the home or outside, are where we live much of our lives. Research shows what we know intuitively: that nature in our spaces helps lift mood, enhance creativity, and gives us a sense of well-being. Here are some simple ways you can incorporate nature into your office space. Five Natural […]