WHAT IS RED STRING? What is the red string all about? Red is a very auspicious (favorable) color in Chinese culture. It is said to not only ward off evil but to infuse the feng shui “cure” many thousands of times with fortunate blessings. It is meant to magnify your intentions, so placing with prayers […]
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What Does Science Say About Tree Hugging?
Anyone who knows me well, knows that I love to hug my trees. And not just my trees, but any tree that seems to “call” to me. Come on now, don’t tell me that you never hugged a tree when you were a kid? I’ve never needed science to prove the powerful effects of tree […]
Home Feng Shui Consultation
What is it that you want to accomplish? Better health? Quality Relationships? Fulfilling work? Better finances? I’ve been helping my clients create supportive, healthy, harmonious environments since 2006! I offer both in-person feng shui consultations and virtual feng shui consultations. Feng Shui Residential Consultations Attract money Inspire better relationships Increase opportunities Improve health and wellbeing […]
What is Earthing?
Chances are that you already know what earthing is. You just didn’t know it had a name. Earthing is a growing movement that acknowledges that Earth’s natural energy is vital for vibrant health. The grounding energies of the Earth provide our bodies with necessary nutrients, just as the sun provides warmth and Vitamin D. We […]