Unlike most energy healing modalities which center on an individual’s energy field, feng shui focuses on what the other’s miss: our environments. And not long ago we viewed our environments as a “back drop” to our lives with very little consequence. But we know better. Many people intuitively knew that the spaces we lived and worked […]
Feng Shui Education
Good feng shui office design
My first job in Manhattan was a thrill! I was working at a small publisher on Long Island for three years and was desperate to get into the Big City and experience the Big Time. When I joined the agency they were apologetic that the only office space for me was a non-window office. I […]
Feng Shui Tips for Beds – Part 3
When I visit my client’s homes the second most important thing to review is their bedroom (first, it’s the front door!). We spend roughly one-third of our lives in this room and it is our most intimate space; a place for rest, rejuvenation, and healing. I’ve written a lot about beds and feng shui. Why? […]
What is Feng Shui? Some Feng Shui Basics
Whether you are new to Feng Shui or have some experience, you have felt its power. Feng Shui addresses how we feel in our environment. It’s an ancient technique that is based on the wisdom of nature and balance. Your home is filled with energy – be it positive or negative – and the energy […]
Feng Shui Art
In feng shui we talk about how our homes are symbolic of what is going on in our lives. Our homes, so personal and intimate, are a mirror reflection of us. And because artwork is so full of symbolism and so ripe for interpretation, it can often provide vital clues for feng shui consultants to […]
Yin & Yang Symbol: Between Heaven and Earth
From the concept of chi, life force energy, comes the duality of yin and yang. Chi is either yin or yang. These cosmic forces help create order from chaos. The yin-yang symbol is an important part of understanding the forces at play in the universe as well as in human nature. According to Chinese cosmology, in […]