While writing my book, I did some research on the history of lawns. An interesting subject! Lawns aren't really green. What I mean to say is that they are not usually natural nor sustainable. The word "lawn" likely came from a Celtic word "lan/llan/laun" which meant enclosure, often in relation to a place of […]
Geomancy/Earth Energies
Earth Gratitude: Happy Thanksgiving
A Happy Thanksgiving to all. I do not know of a better essay than this to remind us to give gratitude to the earth: Chief Seattle's Letter "The President in Washington sends word that he wishes to buy our land. But how can you buy or sell the sky? the land? The idea is […]
Question: What Type of House Provides Best Chi Flow?
Question: If chi gets stuck in corners would a circular house be better for good feng shui to allow chi to flow better? Also is there any model/type of house that has naturally better feng shui to start with? Colonial, High Ranch, Cape, Salt Box, etc. My Response: As always, it depends. It […]
Taoist Influence in Feng Shui
When asked, most people will connect feng shui to the words "balance and harmony." But few realize that those concepts come from the philosophical or religious tradition of Taoism. Taoism seeks to establish harmony with the natural world. It's common translation is "the Way" or "the Path," but literally, the Tao means "nature," as […]
Placement of House on Street
In feng shui just as life, everything is in moderation. Let's look at two homes and how the proximity to the street can affect the lives of the inhabitants. A home that is too close to the street can have too much chaos and confusion. External chi cannot be harnessed by the home and […]
Great “Toxic Avenger” Plants
In this blog, I mention the importance of plants in our environments. One of the most important reasons is for physical health. Plants absorb the many chemicals in our indoor environments that can lead to headaches, migraines, allergies, and severe upper respiratory illness. So, as I promised, here are some plants that are some […]