In real estate jargon, a “flag” lot is when a home does not front a road, but rather the long driveway (like a flag pole) provides access to the home and another parcel is in front of it. Or sometimes, a new access road or shared driveway provides access to two or more homes from the road.
This typically happens when a home owner quite literally sells their back yard! Or, when a developer tries to squeeze as many lots onto the parcel as they can.
Since chi travels to our homes from the roadways, living on a flag lot significantly limits the amount of chi–therefore, opportunities–coming to your home.
If you currently live on a flag lot, you can attract more chi to your home by “yanging-up” the front of your house, specifically, the driveway. The use of lighting, flags (no pun intended), whirligigs, or anything that moves, will help attract chi up your driveway to reach your house.
And, if its whirligigs you like, they give you the added bonus of adding personality to your driveway! Check these fun ones out:
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