How to Remedy a Swimming Pool Placement


I recently received this question from a reader:

I wonder if you could help me to understand one thing in feng shui. It is about a swimming pool in front of the house fasade. The fasade and entrance door face the south. Right in front of the house fasade and to the right side of it lies a swimming pool. I mean when I am standing with my back to the entrance door facing the swimming pool that is mostly in the right side. I read that it is very dangerous for family relations. Is it so? What can we do to minimise the damage?

First, it is highly unusual to have a swimming pool in the front of a property. The front of the property is public space, whereas the back of property tends to be more private space, good for entertaining and recreation. But I guess, depending on the property, this may be fine.

Second, it depends on how you align the feng shui bagua. You seem to be aligning based on directions. The front of your home faces south (Fame and Reputation) and the swimming pool, to the right of your home while looking out the front door faces southwest (Romance and Relationships). This area is naturally ruled by the Earth element and the interaction between Earth and Water, well, creates “mud.” These elements are in conflict with one another. So placement of your pool here may strain relationships, but I would say that it primarily would be romantic relationships. Also, because this area inhabits the energy of the female head of household (which I assume you are), you may experience blocks and challenges in general.  If you are getting work done by a pool resurfacing Orange County company or something similar, you might meet resistance about your feng shui, but stay strong, this is your home.

Placing the Metal element here will help bridge the gap between the Earth and Water element according to the 5 Element Theory Creative Cycle. There are many ways you can introduce Metal here, from bringing in the colors of metal through gray or white natural stone or planting of shrubs with white flowers to installing some metal-based patio furniture. A high-end solution would be to install a round pool (as seen here) as round shapes represent the Metal element. Check out some other ways to bring Metal energy into this space.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Maureen says


    Received via email

    Dear Maureen,


    I would like to thank you very much for your answer. It was profound and easy to understand. Of course we shall do what you are saying about metal elements around swim,

    ming pool area and afterwards we shall move the swimming pool to south-east area, which is to the left from the entrance door. We like feng-shui and want to maintain the harmony in our relationships and home.


    Thank you once again for your time and help.


    Best regards,


  2. ShellyR says

    Thank you for your article. It was enlightening and I do understand providing more metal to “bridge the gap between Earth and Water”. I was a little confused though comparing it to other research I’ve done since the control for Water is Earth…it dams Water. Can you explain the “mud” reference? I get it but, it can also dam so how do I get a “dam” and not “mud”. Is this possible in the Southwest?

    Also, since Metal attracts Water, doesn’t this actually bring more Water into the Earth area?

    So to clarify my question…if I have a pool in the Southwest, how should I balance Earth and Metal? Should Earth be dominant or should I concentrate on “bridging the gap” with metal?

    Thanks again! Been looking for some cures for this situation and have had a lot of mixed feed back.

  3. Maureen says

    Good questions Shelly. When you introduce Water into an area that is ruled by Earth (like the Southwest) you are preoccupying the Earth element (distracting it) with the Water and therefore weakens the power of Earth, hence, creating “mud.”

    Metal serves the bridge between Earth and Water and creates harmony between the elements.

    So regarding your situation, add Metal to create more harmony, and you can add some Fire or Earth to support the Earth element.

  4. tanvipatil says

    Hello Maureen,
    Really enlightening to read this article.
    I have been into fengshui and vastu shastra a lot.
    We are looking into this house that is north west facing (mostly north only 30degrees tot he south) that has a big backyard and a oval curvy swimming pool at the level of the walkout basement below the level of the entrance wall.

    this appears to be the south east quandrant/direction. Which mean water and fire. IS that really bad- I hear that can cause a lot of financial crisis and legal crisis including relationship problem- are there ways to fix this or should we drop the idea of buying this house. It guinite inground salt water pool… with lot of stone based backyard.

    I will really appreciate your input here.
    my email is is

  5. Maureen says

    Hello. Thank you for commenting here. My belief is that, if the rest of the house is great for you and your family it probably is a good home. In feng shui, most issues can be remedied to balance the elements. I would highly recommend that, if you purchase this home, you hire a feng shui consultant. I do long distance consultations so please consider me.
    Best to you,

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