What are "Liminal Spaces?"
Liminal spaces are those open doorways, or portals, that beckon us to enter. We are no longer here, and not yet there. It's a precious time on our spiritual journey to make huge leaps of consciousness. We are in between, not quite fully awake, but no longer sleeping!
"Between every two pines is a doorway to a new way of life" - John Muir
Spirit & Nature
We'll talk about deepening our relationship with nature, the astrology of the times, including moon energies, dreams, spirit animals, energy field practices, synchronicities, creativity, really, any topic that inspires joy, our individual soul's purpose, and higher consciousness!
I started a short-term membership in early 2021 to address our current need to gather as women to support each other in these outstanding times. What we found was that there was so much more to explore and to support. As the Divine Feminine energy has descended and is anchoring in our lives, there is Great Shift occurring on many levels and dimensions.
What is required of us?
Our Mindfulness. Our Strength. Our Presence.
Liminal Spaces Inner Circle Membership
We will meet in Live monthly Zoom sessions held near the New Moon of each month. Each session is 60-90 minutes. In between sessions there will be reading and/or exercises and participation in our private Facebook Group.
Every topic will be one that contributes to joy, finding our soul's purpose, and shifting to higher consciousness. (See below).
We meet monthly online around time of New Moon.
(You can cancel membership at any time.)
With so much coming apart and breaking down in our lives, the Shaman knows this is the beginning of a transformational process. And what may seem overwhelming to resolve, in both our personal lives and on a global scale, is right in front of us.
It is how we hold our our energy and presence that makes all the difference.
I hope that you decide to join us! Questions? Just contact me.
Some of the topics we may discuss...
- Connect with ancient practices of shamanism and the natural world
- Observe the lunar cycles, wildlife, and nature spirits
- Tap into our symbols and synchronicity from dreams and everyday life
- Learn practical tools to ground and center yourself amid crisis and change
- Reconnect with the subtle realm of energy
- Embrace the courage of your own power
- Shift and strengthen your intuition
- Understand how you can shift chi with your presence
- Find inspiration through creativity
- Discover the joy of following your purpose and life path

Most importantly, by being in Community, you will listen to stories from other women, see new perspectives, be supportive of others, and feel the warmth of understanding and support from them.
We are all in this together! When one raises their consciousness we are all positively impacted.
- As part of the "onboarding process" to this Liminal Spaces Inner Circle community, you'll receive access to this four-video series, "The Power of Presence: A Masterclass in Spirituality." This series will hopefully inspire you and contribute to your personal journey to create more love, kindness, and compassion for yourself and others!
- You'll also receive a 10% discount for one-on-one Spiritual Mentoring sessions for use during any time in the Liminal Spaces Inner Circle!
We meet monthly online around time of New Moon.
(You can cancel membership at any time.)