What are “Liminal Spaces?” Liminal spaces are those open doorways, or portals, that beckon us to enter. We are no longer here, and not yet there. It’s a precious time on our spiritual journey to make huge leaps of consciousness. We are in between, not quite fully awake, but no longer sleeping! “Between every two […]
Search Results for: Creativity
Why Feng Shui Works for Some People (and not others)
I had a dream the other night that I was explaining how feng shui works in our lives and homes. And how I explained it goes something like this: Our homes are physical manifestations of our energy, both visible and invisible. They are fractals of our thoughts, behavior, experiences, and basically, our unconscious, which make […]
Webinar Series: Case Study Series #1
Three, 30-minute webinars with practical tips!
Feng Shui for Opening Up Career Opportunities
Feng Shui for a Dark Basement
Feng Shui for a Sloped Yard
What’s Your True Nature Element? Take the Quiz!
{“results”:{“etghg”:{“id”:”etghg”,”title”:”Wood Element – The Pioneer (Initiator)”,”image”:””,”imageId”:””,”desc”:”An independent, driving force. The love of adventure, courage and competitiveness gives Wood the motivation to spring forward into action. “,”redirect_url”:”https:\/\/www.luminous-spaces.com\/the-wood-element-the-pioneer”},”72md7″:{“id”:”72md7″,”title”:”Fire Element – The Wizard (Inspirer)”,”image”:””,”imageId”:””,”desc”:”Fire can bring ideas to fruition. She lives life with gusto! “,”redirect_url”:”https:\/\/www.luminous-spaces.com\/the-fire-element-the-wizard-or-inspirer\/”},”anxnb”:{“id”:”anxnb”,”title”:”Earth Element – The Peacemaker (Mediator)”,”image”:””,”imageId”:””,”desc”:”Earth seeks harmony in the world. She can trust […]
Biophilic Design
Biophilic Design Consultations bio.phil.ia: our passionate love of life and all that is alive bio.phil.ic de.sign: an emerging discipline to guide design with the goal of bringing nature into our homes and work spaces for greater health and well being “10% of employee absences can be contributed to architecture with no connection to nature” By […]
Biophilic Design Online Certification Course
Biophilic Design Certification Course Self-Study with Option to Join Live Class (once a year) What is Biophilic Design? Biophilic design expresses our love of life (biophilia) in our homes and work spaces for greater well-being. It’s never been more relevant, nor more desirable, than now. Why should I take this course? We infuse biophilic design […]