DOWNLOAD SYLLABUS Below are details of the 4-Day Feng Shui Immersion Workshop. Dates/Time: Thursday, Oct 26- Saturday, Oct 28th from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, plus Sunday, Oct 29, 2023 from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Class Location: Planting Fields Arboretum, Oyster Bay, NY Planting Fields is a magnificent Gold Coast estate from the 1920s, […]
Search Results for: ba guA
I’ve Done Feng Shui Cures…And Nothing Changed
I get this question from time to time: I’ve done the feng shui cures so why haven’t I found a job (or relationship, or have better finances, or improved health, etc.)? One just came through to my inbox, so I decided it was time to respond here. Feng shui is just one part of the […]
Why Feng Shui Works for Some People (and not others)
I had a dream the other night that I was explaining how feng shui works in our lives and homes. And how I explained it goes something like this: Our homes are physical manifestations of our energy, both visible and invisible. They are fractals of our thoughts, behavior, experiences, and basically, our unconscious, which make […]
Those Wild, Untamed Areas of Your Soul
Feng shui is a language of symbolism and metaphor in our lives. We can look to the outer (home and land) to understand the inner (our beliefs, our challenges, our lives). As a practitioner, I tap into the wisdom of depth psychology to learn how I may help my clients to improve their relationships, their […]
6 Steps to Sanity in These Trying Times
Got an email from a client today that pretty much sums up what I’m hearing from many people: I feel like I have been experiencing a lot of negativity lately (lots of bad luck, sickness, death, things going wrong etc.). I was wondering if you knew of any small things I can do to increase […]
Remember Who You Work For!
(excerpt from draft of my newest book on earth energy connection and healing) The COVID pandemic has provided us with many interesting dynamics. For the first time in human history, the entire planet has been put on pause. There is nowhere on the Earth that has not be impacted by this virus. We cannot run […]