I found this wonderful, full-length documentary about the power of electromagnetic fields and its effects on our bodies. Please watch and share! The more people that know about this, the more we can participate in significant dialogue. Resonance – Beings of Frequency To participate in a petition on cell phone packaging, please click here.
electromagnetic fields
What is Earthing?
Chances are that you already know what earthing is. You just didn’t know it had a name. Earthing is a growing movement that acknowledges that Earth’s natural energy is vital for vibrant health. The grounding energies of the Earth provide our bodies with necessary nutrients, just as the sun provides warmth and Vitamin D. We […]
Electronics in the Bedroom & Feng Shui
As many of you have heard, it's bad feng shui to have electronics in the bedroom. There are several reasons this is so: 1. Electro-magnetic fields (EMFs) from the electronic equipment creates an unnatural space for rest. If you cannot remove the equipment, at least unplug it, since EMFs still flow even when the […]
Health and ElectroMagnetic Fields (EMFs)
A Feng Shui colleague asked to visit the home of a young couple a few years ago wearing my other hat, as a certified Building Biology practitioner. Their 18-month-old daughter had recently been having seizures, only a few weeks after moving into her own room. Using a sophisticated but simple piece of equipment called the […]