When asked, most people will connect feng shui to the words "balance and harmony." But few realize that those concepts come from the philosophical or religious tradition of Taoism.
Taoism seeks to establish harmony with the natural world. It's common translation is "the Way" or "the Path," but literally, the Tao means "nature," as in "the nature of all things."
Feng shui was developed by ancient people influenced by the concepts of Taoism.
Some of the concepts of Taoism are:
♦ Observe Nature – Much can be learned from the patterns of the universe and human behavior by observing the natural world
♦ Dynamic Balance – There is an inherent dynamic balance in nature. Man has the responsibility of harmonizing and maintaining this balance. The Tai-Chi or Yin/Yang symbol represents this natural balance.
♦ Continual Cycles – Change is inherent; nothing stays static – and change follows a natural order of cycles such as seasons, day/night, birth/death, etc. This is also displayed in the Yin/Yang symbol
♦ Harmonious Action and Non-Action (Wu-wei) – A give-and-take of nature occurs spontaneously. Wu-wei is "action without doing" or "effortless doing." Allowing the natural course of nature without disruption.
♦ No Resistance – As there is no state of resistance in nature
“Tao is a whirling emptiness, yet when used it cannot be exhausted. Out of this mysterious well flows everything in existence.”
“A person of Tao follows earth. Earth follows heaven. Heaven follows Tao. Tao follows its own nature.” – excerpts from the Tao te Ching
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