You are the Earth Element! The archetype of the Peacemaker or Negotiator.
- Responsible
- Grounded
- Supportive
- Reliable
- Protective
- Simple
- Trustworthy
Earth seeks harmony in the world. She can trust and accept love and support from others. She acknowledges her right to be fully alive and to engage in happiness and love. She is the archetypical “Earth Mother.” She is responsible, follows through, and keeps everything working behind the scenes. She is trustworthy and practical and prefers to work in a team.
She is fruitful, empathetic and resilient and provides healing and forgiveness. Although she is more than willing to sacrifice and give to others, she sets proper boundaries. She understands that others need to learn their lessons and she is not an enabler that will keep others bound to her. She provides unconditional love and support, but acknowledges and respects her own needs, desires and path.
What to Include
To support and nurture your Earth at home, make sure that you have both the Earth and Fire Elements:
- Earth – crystals, stone such as granite and slate, earth tones (brown, beige), and ceramics, pottery. Carry or wear these crystals: Bronzite or Rhodochrosite.
- Fire – lots of candles, reds and oranges in your décor, patterns with pointy shapes, such as zig zags
What to Avoid
Make sure your home doesn’t have too much Metal and Wood, which can drain you and cause conflict:
- Metal – metal objects, white and gray in your décor, or fabrics with a silvery sheen to them.
- Wood – plants, images of flowers and trees, color green, wood-based fabrics (like cotton and burlap) and wood furnishings.
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Find out what YOUR True Nature
personality is!
Wood? Fire? Earth? Metal? Water?
Want more?
Creating Luminous Spaces:
Use the Five Elements
For Balance and Harmony
in Your Home and in Your Life
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Find out what YOUR True Nature personality is! Wood? Fire? Earth? Metal? Water?